2018 AAU Taekwondo Leadership Award Winner - Jiya Narwal
Congratulations to Jiya Narwal, this year’s recipient of the 2018 Amateur Athletic Union Taekwondo Leadership Award.Meet Jiya Narwal who has become an accomplished 2nd Degree Black Belt training since the age of 6 years old. Her AAU competition record is impressive winning the numerous tournaments including the AAU Taekwondo National Championships! Some of her interests besides Taekwondo include field hockey, lacrosse, YAG (youth and government club), photography, piano, student council club, theatre arts.
Jiya’s competition history is astonishing having participated and won numerous local & regional medals including the 2017 & 2018 AAU Nationals & Junior Olympic Games! One of her biggest accomplishments include winning gold, silver and bronze at the 2018 AAU Nationals and became a National Team Member for Point Sparring. She also enjoyed getting experience at the 2018 US Open in Las Vegas.
Being a champion outside of class, Jiya has shown great leadership by becoming an assistant instructor. Jiya has been an active leader by volunteering at the Special Olympics and the senior center. She has demonstrated extraordinary leadership by becoming an elite athlete, competition team captain, instructor, AAU Official and an amazing mentor in martial arts. She has done an admirable job preparing herself for life, winning honors in school by making the honor roll from 6th grade on and being involved in social activities. Her involvement reaches out to the community giving her spare time to help with her family, school & religious activities & fund raisers. She is also a wonderful sister to her younger brother.
Jiya has shown the ability to deal with people, her record of achievement, and her energetic approach to dealing with life’s vagaries. She has demonstrated leadership qualities and empathy of others and has helped to motivate the younger children. She is a very coachable individual who treats people with respect and loves to share and encourage others to succeed in Martial Arts and take the lessons learned into her everyday life.
