Building on our past successes in the area of National Championships in the area of Forms, Point Sparring and in particular Olympic Sparring, the National AAU Taekwondo Sport Committee today announces its intent to enter the fast growing world of Sport Poomsae.Building on our past successes in the area of National Championships in the area of Forms, Point Sparring and in particular Olympic Sparring, the National AAU Taekwondo Sport Committee today announces its intent to enter the fast growing world of Sport Poomsae.
Our National Taekwondo Championship featuring the more traditional aspects of competition has grown from its meager beginning some 28 years ago of less than 400 competitors in 1991 featuring only forms and Point Sparring to over 2400 unique competitors, with the vast majority participating in Olympic Sparring, last year in 2017.
Our event management is 2nd to none and so it is time for us to begin serving those athletes whose focus is Sport Poomsae—one of the fasting growing categories of Taekwondo competition. Our Program has always reacted positively and involved itself in what our athlete (and coach) support base is most interested in. And today that is Sport Poomsae.
Many of our West Coast (of course) event directors have already began offering Sport Poomsae at their events even though this area was never a ‘qualifying’ event for our July nationals. And with a jammed packed week-long event already being hosted in early July we have decided to highlight this exciting new event as a stand-alone National Championship.
Beginning this September (7th, 8th, and 9th) AAU Taekwondo will host our first ever National Sport Poomsae Championship. At least for now this shall be an ‘open’ championship in that our AAU athletes will not be required to qualify in order to participate. The only meaningful requirement shall be membership in the AAU.
In keeping with our general attitude of only doing the best possible job and recognizing our Novice experience in Sport Poomsae, AAU Taekwondo has secured the help and direction of the top two people in the US involved in this exciting new endeavor—Master Elva Pai Adams and Master Raymond Hsu. Master Hsu was just recently added/promoted by the WT to sit on their International Poomsae Committee! These two fantastic leaders in Sport Poomsae shall serve as Event Directors for this inaugural event and will be in charge from ‘soup to nuts’; helping AAU to draft its competition rules and regulations, securing the help of the certified Sport Poomsae International Ref3erees as well us to establish future training sessions for the current AAU Referee Corp.
We are extremely excited to enter this new area of competition and look forward to providing the kind of support we always have for our National Team Members! A full outline of the event, schedule, and online registration will be available shortly. But save the dates now! September 7-9, 2018-Ft. Lauderdale Convention Center, Ft. Lauderdale, FL See you there!
